Exercise in a safe environment.

The Swan Family Wellness Center will fully reopen beginning Oct. 1, with increased capacity per state guidelines, the restart of group exercise classes, and reopening of the pool.

The local Wellness Center has been in various states of closed and reduced operations since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the spread of the coronavirus on the steady decline over the last several weeks, Governor Abbott recently announced the easing of restrictions that affected how the Swan Family Wellness Center could operate.

With the full-reopening of the wellness center, many new procedures and precautions have been created to ensure the health and safety of members and team members. For more information, please review the below frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the full reopening of the Swan Family Wellness Center.

What are the Wellness Center hours?

Wellness Center: Monday – Friday 5 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. and 3 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Physical Therapy:Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

What are your capacity guidelines?

We will permit eight members per hour in the gym and eight members per group exercise class. The pool will be open to one member per hour.

Are reservations required?

To avoid the risk of not having a spot, members can reserve their timeslot on the MyWellness App or over the phone.

Are group exercise classes resuming?

Yes! Our new group exercise schedule offers some of the fantastic classes we have always offered AND some excellent virtual classes. Virtual classes, held in our group exercise, will be streamed over the projector by Master Instructors from all over the world. Some new classes to look out for include Pilates, Muay Thai, True-Grit HITT, Barre, and much more. Group aquatic classes will come later.

Will there be pricing changes?

In order to continue offering group exercise classes, we are changing our membership options. We are now offering membership levels that can be tailored to what you and your family needs. You can now purchase a membership based on whether you would like access to the gym, pool, group classes or everything! For unlimited gym and pool access a membership may be purchased for $55 a month. For unlimited classes you can pay $65 a month. And, for $89, you can sign up for the Lifestyle 365 program and have unlimited access to everything–plus the health coaching benefits.

Are masks and gloves required?

The State of Texas requires that all gym-goers use full-fingered gloves during your entire workout. Masks must be worn as you enter, exit, and walk amongst the building but can be removed once you begin to exercise. We do not provide either of these.

If you have any additional questions regarding the full reopening of the Swan Family Wellness Center, please call 940-216-2379.